Гласувай за текст, по който да се напише песен
Музикална телевизия ММ и Десетото юбилейно национално състезание по творческо писане на английски език и очакват твоя избор
Музикална телевизия ММ в партньорство с Десетото юбилейно национално състезание по творческо писане на английски език очакват вашия избор на текст, по който ще се напише музика, ще запише песен и ще се снима видео.
На 15 февруари 2020 г., събота от 19:00 ч. в Американския университет в Благоевград (АУБ) ще се проведе церемония по награждаване на победителите в Десетото юбилейно национално състезание по творческо писане на английски език.
На нея ще се обяви и избраният от феновете текст за песен и ще присъстват 21 призьори в седем възрастови категории, техните преподаватели по английски език, както и родители и гости. Наградите за победителите са осигурени от Американския университет в България, Британски съвет, издателствата "Клетт" и "Експрес пъблишинг", и Монделийз България. Преди церемонията гостите и участниците ще разгледат кампуса на университета и ще могат да се включат в семинар по творческо писане с проф. Майкъл Коен от АУБ.
Състезанието се организира и провежда от Фондация "Корпус за образование и развитие - КОРПЛЮС", с подкрепата на Посолството на САЩ в България, Британски съвет, Музикална телевизия ММ и в партньорство с Министерството на образованието и науката. Тази година в него се включиха над 3300 ученици от 6 до 12 клас от 147 училища в цялата страна.
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Калина Христова - Русе
I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.
Once she was three years old
in a world of darkness, missing hope,
the little girl sparked a light to keep her warm,
with a lie.
She knew it wasn"t true.
She wasn"t destined to wear a crown and
a prince wouldn"t come to her with a glass shoe.
She then got five and forgot about the shoe,
but as she was growing older her little lie also grew.
Soon she got fifteen
and her mind was all about that screen.
She thought life outside of it just doesn"t matter,
probably because it got sadder.
She was now a seeker...
of the double-tap and numbers,
and the lives of others.
She knew it wasn"t true, but truth didn"t matter.
The girl was on the "want-to-be-like-her" queue.
And she still reminded herself regularly that it was all a lie,
all the princesses with castles are only living in her mind,
in her own perception of the meaning of life.
She never believed it was right,
and still when she was three her mind was in the clouds,
but now it was all about that clout.
Living in the society of I-phones and I-pads,
all but her forgot about all the WEs and US...
Having your own little bubble became a must.
At least she had the motivational quotes,
a medicine against all negative thoughts.
"It is great" she felt, communicating through the touch screens,
but no one felt like they were losing touch... with one another,
as they were blocked by a fire-wall of lies,
chasing an imaginary paradise.
The girl lived two lives and had two stories -
one about herself and one about the glory.
There were two people living in the same body.
And that"s just how
the society works now.
We have time to hide behind the Instagram filter...
Because who actually cares who we really are?
We lie, we know it, but at least we are one step closer to being a "star".
Ива Банкова - Варна
East and West - two opposite directions.
Sun and moon - two different creations.
Sun was a man, who loved to be seen.
Moon was a maiden, who was on him keen.
Sometimes she felt lonely, alone in the night
and often had nightmares, been trying to fight.
But then around dawn, when light broke the dark
she hid in the clouds and felt quite a spark.
There was he coming - magnificent sun.
As soon as moon saw him, she started to run.
Her body was shaking - she was so scared,
her pure heart was melting - she wasn"t prepared.
He was made of fire, she was made of ice.
That"s why he melts her every time.
But even the ice isn"t that cold
cause deeply inside kindness is fold.
East of the sun she was awaiting
but as she came closer he was disconnecting.
Wherever he moved, was always on west,
that"s what I call impossible quest.
Рада Гаврилова- София
What do the coats think in the wardrobe all summer
Wow! It"s finally summer!
Honestly, that"s such a bummer.
Hi, my name is Coat the coat!
And all winter I"ve been on a boat.
Seeing all the ducks and fish.
But now all I can do is wish
that these three months pass by,
because soon I"m going to cry!
Why you ask?
Well, it"s because now I have only one task.
And that"s sitting in this dirty wardrobe
Instead of going around the globe
"Like what am I supposed to do?
I can"t even pop to the loo!"
That"s when I thought when I first ended up here
Also the first time I had ever shed a tear.
My friend Boot the left boot is also somewhere
But he only has one box to share
With Boot the right boot, his twin brother.
Wow, that"s probably such a bother!
Sometimes I wonder, is there someone else in this place
I can only see a lonely shoelace
Well I guess I"ll have to wait out
three months with nothing to talk about.
Коледният стил на кралица Елизабет II: Емблематичните ѝ визии през годините
Сватбени камбани и бебешки плач. Кои звезди изживяха най-голямото щастие през 2024 г.?
Чарлз Трети отправи послание за Коледа, благодари на медиците, грижили се за него и Кейт
От коледни чудеса до кариера в застой: Съдбите на актьорите, участвали някога в празнични филми
Принцеса Кейт прегърна болна от рак 73-годишна жена след коледната литургия в Сандрингам
Чарлз Трети отправи послание за Коледа, благодари на медиците, грижили се за него и Кейт
Коледният стил на кралица Елизабет II: Емблематичните ѝ визии през годините
Сватбени камбани и бебешки плач. Кои звезди изживяха най-голямото щастие през 2024 г.?
Принцеса Кейт прегърна болна от рак 73-годишна жена след коледната литургия в Сандрингам
От коледни чудеса до кариера в застой: Съдбите на актьорите, участвали някога в празнични филми